Beno Doncaster Marketing TB Marketing

A Very Satisfying (ahem) Few Years

Yay! Today is my birthday, quite a big one too! Yep, thirty years old and I’m ver… sorry, what? Oh, okay, it’s bigger than that. Like most members of the big 4-0 club, I’m still in denial and the written number looks a lot bigger than the one rattling about my addled head.  That’s probably a good thing, as there’s a fairly slim chance I’ll start acting my age pretty soon (unless you count gardening, which of course, I don’t).

What with all the birthday shenanigans, the only-as-old-as-the-woman-you-feel –type clichés; the ‘I need to go home for a nap’ jokes (actually, not a joke) and losing my train of thought at precisely the wrong… where was I going with this… anyway, it’s natural to reflect on some of the top stuff we’ve done over the years.

In the past I’ve been involved in some great projects – Tomorrow’s World, National Superdome, Paul Eyre… but if I told you too much about them, I’d probably end up getting sued. Again. So here’s Birthday Beno’s guide to the Top 5 Most Satisfying Jobs by Doncaster’s finest marketing agency*.

Before we start, there’s no room for presentations, posters, mailers, exhibitions and loads of other stuff that didn’t make this list, but you can still see a shot of some of them here. Okay, here we go…

  •  Number 5: Our work for NAMTEC was simultaneously incredibly satisfying and very frustrating. Some nice design work by Pato, a bit of strategy from Beno and a lot of hard database work by our mate at Waspmedia meant this was the best confused job we ever did.