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Bye, Bye Baby Brain!

Well here I am, it’s my first day back at Doncaster’s Finest Marketing Agency, TB Marketing.

As my job involves A LOT of writing, I thought it only right to start the day off by blowing off the cobwebs with a spot of blogging. So, here goes…

2012 basically consisted of two parts for me. The first half of the year was spent puking, which had rolled over from the previous year, putting on a considerable amount of weight and being a general hormonal mess.

The second half could be summed up with the following name;

Phoebe Tracy Jayne Benson, or Yoda to her fans, who arrived at 10.15 am on Friday the 4th May 2012, to the delight of me and her daddy. May the fourth be with you little one!

Needless to say our Pheebz is a little cutie. She’s also one tough customer, always keeping me on my toes and delighting me every step of the way, I never knew I could be impressed so easily by someone!

But after eight glorious months of cooing, cuddles, smiles and kisses…oh, and dirty nappies, sleepless nights, hair pulling, food in my face, scratching, teething and tantrums (this last one’s new) it was time to come back to work… I’m not just a mummy after all.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the little munchkin, but I think the breaking point for me was when I could recite most of the songs on Baby TV, or as I like to call it the ‘Phoebe Meltdown Preventer’

Pheebz has now been shipped off to the child-minder’s house where she spends her days doing what she does best, sleeping, eating, pooping, and being generally awesome. I’m here feeling like I’ve lost a limb, but at the same time ready to  get my ass in gear and churn out some serious work.

I’m very excited for the months ahead. I’ll hopefully be out on the road a bit more, with Calow in tow, visiting our lovely clients and their customers for interviews and photo shoots for potential case studies and press releases, just call me the roaming reporter!

I’m also looking forward to learning new things from my mentor (Mr B) about all things PR and Account managing, as well as pitching in to help build our marketing empire.

There’s also my first IMHX to look forward to in March, I’ve heard a lot about it so it’ll be interesting to finally go and get involved in the excitement.

All-in-all it’s looking to be a busy year with lots of exciting challenges. The workload’s already mounting up, the coffee’s as posh as ever and I have a new Desk, Yipee!

However, my biggest challenge of this next year will be juggling being a career girl, a future Mrs Benson and a mother of The Pheebz all at the same time, on second thoughts, erm can I go back to bed please?


By tbmarketing

You wanna know more? What can we tell you that you can't glean from our snazzily written articles and sooper-douper portfolio? Hmmm, we like writing stuff for other people more than about ourselves. Cobbler's shoes mate, plaster's walls...