TB Marketing

World Vs iPad: Day Two

Here we go again…

1. Forgot to add an hour on to the phone’s alarm clock – minus 1 for world.

2. UK lads get the Stick Golf bug. It’s the only way to pass the time in what has become a near 10hr meeting – score for the iPad

3. Top Korean dude has his own iPad. That’s got to be worth a point.

4. White board gets a bit of scribble but then just sits there whilst we stare at it. Boo for the World.

5. Lunch is some bizarre french affair. Merde!

6. Using the iPad for notes during the presentation looks ok, but isn’t that easy.

7. Top man is reading his iPad during my bit, at least when he’s in the room.

8. The Germans want the iPad, they can’t have it.

9. Top man sums up, but obviously wants to read his e-newspaper.

10. Dinner, outside, looks palatable. Wasps and flies think so too. World going down in flames.

11. Almost top man moves me to top table. Not sure about this… Top man moves me back off. The swine!

It’s a hands down win for iPad.