It appears that it isn’t just a few avid gamers, excitable slasher fans and late-night cheese eaters that have contemplated the potential risk of a zombie apocalypse. The US assistant surgeon general, Ali Khan, posted on the government’s health and safety agency blog last year in the ‘Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’ section, on how to prepare for a Night of the Living Dead scenario in your own town. However, Khan offers no advice on how best to fight off the Zombie hordes – chainsaw? Shotgun? Or even a cricket bat, popular with Shaun of the Dead enthusiasts I’m sure. Instead he recommends preparing a survival strategy ‘to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp’. Pfft, booooooorring. So, here’s the deal: we are going to explore survival techniques in the event of a zombie outbreak, firearms vs melee weapons, where to set up camp and how to stay alive whilst kickin’ ass and crackin’ skulls. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and that we at TB Marketing have prepared you for such an event – it could save your life.